Category: Birthday cakes for childrenPage 2 of 3

Princess Anna

Once upon a time in an enchanting kingdom called Yorkshire there lived a beautiful little princess called Anna…

Pirate Jake

Jake and the Neverland pirates was the theme for this cake.


Everyone remembers Lego from their childhood, and this was for a 7-year old boy.

Dance Star

For Elenya’s 18th birthday, a chocolate cake with a dance theme as she is a dancer.

Rugby player

A chocolate cake with a bit of extra chocolate for the mud.


A square vanilla sponge carved into the shape of an X-box.


For Ryan’s 6th birthday, a Scooby-Doo themed cake made out of vanilla sponge with fondant icing decorations 🙂

Wii Kirby

From ball to Kirby in 4 easy and 1 tricky step!

Mixing desk

A moist chocolate sponge mixing desk & headphones with more individual pieces of icing than should be possible to fit on one cake.

The Present Fairy

Here she is – the Present Fairy with a selection of presents and just a little touch of fairy dust.

Thomas the Tank Engine

Made with chocolate cake for Nathan who turned 2 earlier this month.

Ronnie the Rhino

A Ronnie the Rhino-themed birthday cake. The base cake and the rugby ball are both lemon sponges with lemon buttercream – yum 🙂

Fairy garden

A fairy garden-themed cake for Isabelle’s 1st birthday.

Pink and white stars

A special cake for Olivia’s special day.

Avengers, Assemble!

A Marvel Avengers-themed cake for four-year-old Law.

Mr Tumble’s Spotty Bag

Mr Tumble’s Spotty Bag Cake for Lydia’s 4th birthday.

Hello Kitty!

A special cake for Olivia’s 6th birthday,

More Minecraft

A different cake for another minecraft fan.

Leeds Rhinos

A birthday cake for someone who’s a bit of a Leeds Rhinos fan.


A skateboarding-themed cake.